1285761526 Source: bnatt500.zip File: upload/29.09.2010_1285761526_Tatsuya_Akutsu/bnatt500.zip Name: Tatsuya_Akutsu Company: Kyoto University eMail: takutsu@kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp Street: Gokasho City: Uji Country: JAPAN (JP) Message: We are submitting ILP data for identification of a singleton attractor in a Boolean newtork, which is a well-known problem in computational systems biology. This problem is known to be NP-hard and we developed a method to transform an instance of the problem to an integer linear program (ILP). We used ILPs from artificially generated Boolean networks of indegree 3. The size of the networks are: 350, 400, 500. Even for the case of 500, we could not find a solution within 6 hours using CPLEX 11.2 on a PC with XEON 5470 3.33GHz CPU. (This ILP corresponds to the case of size=350. File format is (zipped) CPLEX LP format.) The details of the method appeared in: T. Akutsu, M. Hayashida and T. Tamura, Integer programming-based methods for attractor detection and control of Boolean networks, Proc. The combined 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (IEEE CDC/CCC 2009), 5610-5617, 2009. delivered on: 29.09.2010 Fileupload successfully confirmed!