1285779015 Source: pigeon.zip File: upload/29.09.2010_1285779015_Sam_Allen/pigeon.zip Name: Sam_Allen Company: University of Nottingham eMail: sda@cs.nott.ac.uk Street: Wollaton Road City: Nottingham Country: United Kingdom Message: Here are some LP/MPS files for 3D packing (container loading). The problems are named \"Pigeon-n.mps\" and \"Pigeon-n.lp\" where n is 1..20 and represents the number of boxes (of size 10x10x10) to pack into a 11x11x(10(n-1)) sized container. The current best commercial solvers (CPLEX and Gurobi) can only optimally solve/close the gap for up to n=10 within one hour. SCIP combined with CPLEX or Gurobi as the LP solver can only pack up to n=8 and n=9 respectively within the hour. If you use the 3D pigeon hole instances for anything I would greatly appreciate a reference to http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~sda/pigeon/mipmodel.pdf: Sam D. Allen, Edmund K. Burke, and Jakub Marecek: A Space-Indexed Formulation of Packing Boxes into a Larger Box, Technical Report, University of Nottingham, 2010 delivered on: 29.09.2010 Fileupload successfully confirmed!