1284557192 Source: mines.zip File: upload/15.09.2010_1284557192_Andreas_Bley/mines.zip Name: Andreas_Bley Company: TU Berlin eMail: bley@math.tu-berlin.de Street: Strasse des 17. Juni 136 City: Berlin Country: GERMANY (DE) Message: Multi-period mine production scheduling instances Details in @Article{BleyBolandFrickeFroyland2009a, author = \"A. Bley and N. Boland and C. Fricke and G. Froyland\", title = \"A strengthened formulation and cutting planes for the open pit mine production scheduling problem\", journal = \"Computers and Operations Research\", volume = \"37\", pages = \"1641--1647\", year = \"2010\", language = \"English\", } delivered on: 15.09.2010 Fileupload successfully confirmed!