MIPLIB 2003 Bibliography

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Authors      R. Laundy, M. Perregaard, G. Tavares, H. Tipi, A. Vazacopoulos
Title     EnglishSolving Hard Mixed-Integer Programming Problems with Xpress-MP: A MIPLIB 2003 Case Study
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing, Articles in Advance, (2009) 1-10
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Authors      S. Dash, O. Günlük
TitleOn the strength of Gomory mixed-integer cuts as group cuts
JournalMath. Program., 115:2 (2008) 387-407
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Authors      M. Fischetti, A. Lodi
TitleOptimizing over the first Chvatal closure
JournalMath. Program., 110:1 (2007) 3-20
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Authors      M. Bussieck, M. C. Ferris, A. Meeraus
Title     EnglishGRID Enabled Optimization with GAMS
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Authors      Alkis Vazacopoulos
Title     EnglishState-of-the-Optimization using Xpress-MP v2006
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NotesINFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, Nov 5-8, 2006
Authors      Tobias Achterberg, Thorsten Koch, Alexander Martin
Title     EnglishMIPLIB 2003
JournalOperations Research Letters, 34:4 (2006) 361-372
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Authors      Tobias Achterberg, Thorsten Koch, Alexander Martin
Title     EnglishBranching Rules Revisited
JournalOperations Research Letters, 33 (2005) 42-54
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NotesZIB-Report 04-13


Authors      Thorsten Koch
Title     EnglishRapid Mathematical Programming
PublishedTechnische Universität Berlin, 2004
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Authors      James Gross, Holger Karl
Title     EnglishComparison of Different Fairness Approaches in OFDM-FDMA Systems
NumberTelecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universität Berlin, TKN-04-003, 2004
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Authors      J. W. Goossens, S. van Hoesel, L. Kroon
TitleA Branch-and-Cut Approach for Solving Railway Line-Planning Problems
JournalTransportation Science, 38:3 (2004) 379-393
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Authors      M. Fischetti, F. Glover, A. Lodi
Title     EnglishThe Feasibility Pump
NumberDEIS - Università di Bologna, OR/03/10, 2004
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Authors      Tobias Achterberg
Title     EnglishSCIP - a framework to integrate Constraint and Mixed Integer Programming
Number04-19, 2004
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Authors      A. Eisenblätter, A. Fügenschuh, E. R. Fledderus, H.-F. Geerdes, B. Heideck, D. Junglas, T. Koch, T. Kürner, A. Martin
Title     EnglishMathematical Methods for Automatic Optimization of UMTS Radio Networks
EditorsA. Martin
NumberIST-2000-28088 MOMENTUM, D4.3, 2003
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Authors      C. Liebchen, R. H. Moehring
Title     EnglishInformation on the MIPLIB's timetab-instances
NumberTechnical University Berlin, Dept. of Mathematics, 2003/49, 2003
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Authors      A. M. C. A. Koster, A. Zymolka
Title     EnglishPolyhedral Investigations on Stable Multi-Sets
NumberKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, 03-10, 2003
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Authors      P. Gritzmann, S. de Vries
Title     EnglishReconstructing Crystalline Structures from Few Images Under High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
EditorsWilli Jäger, Hans-Joachim Krebs
BooktitleMathematics - Key Technology for the Future
PublishedSpringer, 2003, 441-459
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Authors      J. Eckstein, M. Nediak
Title     EnglishDepth-Optimized Convexity Cuts
NumberRutgers Center for Operations Research, 23-2003, 2003
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Authors      R. Borndörfer, M. Grötschel, A. Löbel
Title     EnglishDuty Scheduling in Public Transit
EditorsWilli Jäger, Hans-Joachim Krebs
BooktitleMathematics - Key Technology for the Future
PublishedSpringer, 2003, 441-459
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Authors      P. Belotti, F. Malucelli
Title     EnglishA Lagrangian relaxation approach for the design of networks with shared protection
BooktitleProceedings of INOC'2003
Published2003, 72-77
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Authors      H. Marchand, A. Martin, R. Weismantel, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishCutting Planes in Integer and Mixed Integer Programming
JournalDiscrete Applied Mathematics, 123/124 (2002) 391-440
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Authors      I. Luzzi
Title     EnglishExact and Heuristic Methods for Nesting Problems
PublishedUniversity of Padova, 2002
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Authors      M. Fischetti, A. Lodi
Title     EnglishLocal Branching
BooktitleProceedings of the Integer Programming Conference in honor of Egon Balas
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Authors      Andreas Bley, Thorsten Koch
Title     EnglishInteger programming approaches to access and backbone IP-network planning
NumberKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, 02-41, 2002
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Authors      Andreas Bley, Thorsten Koch
Title     EnglishInteger programming approaches to access and backbone IP-network planning
NumberKonrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin, 02-41, 2002
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Authors      M. Van Vyve, Y. Pochet
Title     EnglishA General Heuristic for Production Planning Problems
JournalCORE Discussion Paper, 56 (2001)
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Authors      M. W. Padberg
Title     EnglishClassical Cuts for Mixed-Integer Programming and Branch-and-Cut
JournalMathematical Methods of Operations Research, 53 (2001)
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Authors      J. F. Puget, I. J. Lustig
Title     EnglishConstraint programming and maths programming
JournalThe Knowledge Engineering Review, 16:1 (2001) 5-23
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Authors      J. J. Forrest, L. Ladanyi, J. R. Kalagnanam
Title     EnglishColumn Generation Approach to the Multiple Problem with Color Contraints
NumberIBM, RC22013, 2001
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Authors      S. van Hoesel, J. W. Goessens, L. Kroon
Title     EnglishA Branch-and-Cut Approach to Line Planning Problems
JournalWorking Paper, Erasmus University, (2001)
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Authors      M. C. Ferris, G. Pataki, S. Schmieta
Title     EnglishSolving the seymour problem
JournalOptima, 66 (2001) 2-6
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Authors      T. Pfender
Title     GermanArboreszenz-Flüsse in Graphen: polyedrische Untersuchungen
PublishedTechn. University Berlin, Dept.\ of Mathematics, 2000
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Authors      Z. Gu, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishSequence independent lifting in mixed integer programming
JournalJournal on Combinatorial Optimization, 4 (2000) 109-129
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Authors      S. Ceria, M. Ferris, J. T. Linderoth, G. Pataki, S. Schmieta
Title     EnglishSeymour is solved!
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Authors      Robert E. Bixby, Mary Fenelon, Zonghao Gu, Edward Rothberg, Roland Wunderling
Title     EnglishMIP: Theory and Practice - Closing the Gap
BooktitleProceedings of the 19th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization
PublishedKluwer, B.V., 2000, 19-50
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Authors      K. Aardal, R. Weismantel, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishNon-Standard Approaches to Integer Programming
NumberUniversité Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, CORE DP2000/2, 2000
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Authors      K. Aardal, R. E. Bixby, C. A. J. Hurkens, A. K. Lenstra, J. W. Smeltink
Title     EnglishMarket split and basis reduction: Towards a solution of the Cornuéjols-Dawande instances
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 12:3 (2000) 192-202
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Authors      D. M. Panton, A. W. Elbers
Title     EnglishMission Planning for Synthetic Aperture Radar Surveillance
JournalInterfaces, 29:2 (1999) 73-88
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Authors      H. Marchand, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishThe 0-1 Knapsack Problem with a Single Continuous Variable
JournalMathematical Programming, 85 (1999) 15-33
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Authors      J. T. Linderoth, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishA computational study of search strategies for mixed integer programming
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 11 (1999) 173-187
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Authors      Z. Gu, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishLifted flow cover inequalities for mixed 0-1 integer programs
JournalMathematical Programming, 85 (1999) 439-468
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Authors      John Forrest, Laszlo Ladanyi
Title     EnglishExperience with a Parallel Branch, Cut and Price framework
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NotesOriginal slides from the workshop in honor of Gomory's 70th birthday
Authors      C. Cordier, H. Marchand, R. Laundy, L. A. Wolsey
Title     Englishbc - opt: a Branch-and-Cut Code for Mixed Integer Programs
JournalMathematical Programming, 86 (1999) 335-354
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Authors      A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth
Title     EnglishA heuristic method for the set covering problem
JournalOperations Research, 47 (1999) 730-743
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Authors      A. Martin, R. Weismantel
Title     EnglishThe Intersection of Knapsack Polyhedra and Extensions
EditorsR. E. Bixby, E. A. Boyd, R. Z. R´ios-Mercado
BooktitleInteger Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
PublishedProceedings of the 6th IPCO Conference, 1998, 243-256
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Authors      D. Klabjan, G. L. Nemhauser, C. Tovey
Title     EnglishThe complexity of cover inequality separation
JournalOperations Research Letters, 23 (1998) 35-40
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Authors      Z. Gu, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishCover inequalities for 0-1 linear programs: complexity
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 11 (1998) 117-123
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Authors      Z. Gu, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishCover inequalities for 0-1 linear programs: computation
JournalINFORMS Journal on Computing, 10 (1998) 427-437
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Authors      G. Cornuéjols, M. Dawande
Title     EnglishA Class of Hard Small 0-1 Programs
EditorsR. E. Bixby, E. A. Boyd, R. Z. R´ios-Mercado
BooktitleInteger Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
PublishedProceedings of the 6th IPCO Conference, 1998, 284-293
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Authors      S. Ceria, C. Cordier, H. Marchand, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishCutting Planes for Integer Programs with General Integer Variables
JournalMathematical Programming, 81 (1998) 201-214
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Authors      R. Borndörfer, C. E. Ferreira, A. Martin
Title     EnglishDecomposing Matrices into Blocks
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization, 9 (1998) 236-269
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Authors      R. Borndörfer
Title     EnglishAspects of Set Packing, Partitioning, and Covering
PublishedTU Berlin, 1998
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Authors      R. E. Bixby, S. Ceria, C. M. McZeal, M. W. P Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishAn Updated Mixed Integer Programming Library: MIPLIB 3.0
JournalOptima, 58 (1998) 12-15
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Authors      A. Atamturk, G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh
Title     EnglishConflict Graphs in Integer Programming
NumberGeorgia Institute of Technology, Technical Report LEC 98-03, 1998
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Authors      R. Weismantel
Title     EnglishOn the 0/1 Knapsack Polytope
JournalMathematical Programming, 77 (1997) 49-68
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Authors      E. Balas, S. Ceria, G. Cornuéjols, N. Natraj
Title     EnglishGomory Cuts Revisited
JournalOperations Research Letters, 19 (1996) 1-9
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Authors      E. Balas, S. Ceria, G. Cornuéjols
Title     EnglishMixed 0-1 programming by lift-and-project in a branch-and-cut framework
JournalManagement Science, 42 (1996) 1229-1246
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Authors      R. Sharda
Title     EnglishLinear Programming solver software for personal computers: 1995 report
JournalOR/MS Today, 22:5 (1995) 49-57
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Authors      U. H. Suhl, R. Szymanski
Title     EnglishSupernode processing of mixed-integer models
JournalComputational Optimization and Applications, 3 (1994) 317-331
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Authors      G. L. Nemhauser, P. H. Vance
Title     EnglishLifted cover facets of the 0-1 knapsack polytope with GUB constraints
JournalOperations Research Letters, 16 (1994) 255-263
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Authors      G. L. Nemhauser, M. W. P. Savelsbergh, G. C. Sigismondi
Title     EnglishMINTO, a Mixed INTeger Optimizer
JournalOperations Research Letters, 15 (1994) 47-58
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Authors      J. Eckstein
Title     EnglishParallel Branch-and-Bound Methods for Mixed Integer Programming
JournalSIAM News, 27:1 (1994) 12-15
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Authors      J. Eckstein
Title     EnglishParallel Branch-and-Bound Methods for Mixed-Integer Programming on the CM-5
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization, 4:4 (1994) 794-814
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Authors      J. Eckstein
Title     EnglishControl Strategies for Parallel Mixed Integer Branch and Bound
BooktitleProceedings of Supercomputing '94
PublishedIEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, 41-48
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Authors      J. Eckstein
Title     EnglishParallel branch-and-bound algorithms for general mixed integer programming on the CM-5
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization, 4 (1994) 794-814
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Authors      E. A. Boyd
Title     EnglishSolving 0/1 Integer Programs with Enumeration Cutting Planes
JournalAnnals of Operation Research, 50 (1994) 61-72
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Authors      E. A. Boyd
Title     EnglishFenchel Cutting Planes for Integer Programs
JournalOperations Research, 42:1 (1994) 53-64
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Authors      W. Cook, T. Rutherford, H. E. Scarf
Title     EnglishAn Implementation of the Generalized Basis Reduction Algorithm for Integer Programming
JournalORSA Journal on Computing, 4 (1993) 206-212
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Authors      E. A. Boyd
Title     EnglishGenerating Fenchel Cutting Planes for Knapsack Polyhedra
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization, 3:4 (1993) 734-750
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Authors      E. Balas, S. Ceria, G. Cornuéjols
Title     EnglishA lift-and-project cutting plane algorithm for mixed 0-1 programs
JournalMathematical Programming, 58 (1993) 295-324
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Authors      L. Hafer
Title     EnglishComputational Experience Using Arc Consistency for Mixed 0-1 Linear Programming
NumberSimon Fraser University, School of Computing Science, 92-09, 1992
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Authors      R. E. Bixby, E. A. Boyd, R. R. Indovina
Title     EnglishMIPLIB: A Test Set of Mixed Integer Programming Problems
JournalSIAM News, 25 (1992) 16
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Authors      L. Lovász, A. Schrijver
Title     EnglishCones of matrices and set-functions and 0-1 optimization
JournalSIAM Journal on Optimization, 1 (1991) 166-190
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Authors      K. L. Hoffman, M. Padberg
Title     EnglishImproving LP-Representations of Zero-One Linear Programs for Branch-and-Cut
JournalORSA Journal on Computing, 3:2 (1991)
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Authors      L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishValid Inequalities for 0-1 Knapsacks and MIPs with Generalized Upper Bound Constraints
JournalDiscrete Applied Mathematics, 29 (1990) 251-261
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Authors      H. Sherali, W. Adams
Title     EnglishA hierarchy of relaxations between the continuous and convex hull representations for zero-one programming problems
JournalSIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 3 (1990) 411-430
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Authors      G. L. Nemhauser, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishA recursive procedure to generate all cuts for 0-1 mixed integer programs
JournalMathematical Programming, 46 (1990) 379-390
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Authors      W. Cook, R. Kannan, A. Schrijver
Title     EnglishChvátal Closures for mixed integer programming problems
JournalMathematical Programming, 47 (1990) 155-174
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Authors      J. Barutt, T. Hull
Title     EnglishAirline Crew Scheduling: Supercomputers and Algorithms
JournalSIAM News, 23:6 (1990)
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Authors      E. Zemel
Title     EnglishEasily Computable Facets of the Knapsack Polytope
JournalMathematics of Operations Research, 14 (1989) 760-764
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Authors      T. J. Van Roy, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishSolving Mixed Integer Programming Problems Using Automatic Reformulation
JournalOperations Research, 35:1 (1987) 45-57
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Authors      T. J. Van Roy, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishValid inequalities for mixed 0-1 programs
JournalDiscrete Applied Mathematics, 4 (1986) 199-213
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Authors      M. W. Padberg, T. J. Van Roy, L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishValid inequalities for fixed charge problems
JournalOperations Research, 33 (1985) 842-861
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Authors      E. Balas, E. Zemel
Title     EnglishLifting and complementing yields all the facets of positive zero-one programming polytopes
EditorsR. W. Cottle et al.
BooktitleProceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Programming, Rio de Janeiro, 1981
Published1984, 13-24
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Authors      H. Crowder, E. L. Johnson, M. W. Padberg
Title     EnglishSolving Large-Scale Zero-One Linear Programming Problems
JournalOperations Research, 31:5 (1983) 803-834
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Authors      E. Johnson, M. W. Padberg
Title     EnglishA note on the knapsack problem with special ordered sets
JournalOperations Research Letters, 1 (1981) 18-22
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Authors      A. Schrijver
Title     EnglishOn cutting planes
JournalAnnals of Discrete Mathematics, 9 (1980) 291-296
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Authors      M. W. Padberg
Title     English(1,k)-Configurations and Facets for Packing Problems
JournalMathematical Programming, 18 (1980) 94-99
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Authors      A. Land, S. Powell
Title     EnglishComputer codes for problems of integer programming
JournalAnnals of Discrete Mathematics, 5 (1979) 221-269
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Authors      E. Balas, E. Zemel
Title     EnglishFacets of the knapsack polytope from minimal covers
JournalSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 34 (1978) 119-148
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Authors      L. A. Wolsey
TitleValid inequalities and superadditivity for 0/1 integer programs
JournalMathematics of Operations Research, 2 (1977) 66-77
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Authors      C. E. Blair
Title     EnglishTwo rules for deducing valid inequalities for 0-1 problems
JournalSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 31 (1976) 614-617
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Authors      L. A. Wolsey
Title     EnglishFaces of Linear Inequalities in 0-1 Variables
JournalMathematical Programming, 8 (1975) 165-178
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Authors      M. W. Padberg
Title     EnglishA Note on Zero-One Programming
JournalOperations Research, 23 (1975) 833-837
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Authors      P. L. Hammer, E. L. Johnson, U. N. Peled
Title     EnglishFacets of Regular 0-1 Polytopes
JournalMathematical Programming, 8 (1975) 179-206
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Authors      E. Balas
Title     EnglishDisjunctive programming: Cutting planes from logical conditions
EditorsO. L. Mangasarian et al.
BooktitleNonlinear Programming 2
PublishedAcademic Press, London, 1975, 279-312
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Authors      E. Balas
Title     EnglishFacets of the knapsack polytope
JournalMathematical Programming, 8 (1975) 146-164
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Authors      M. W. Padberg
Title     EnglishOn the Facial Structure of Set Packing Polyhedra
JournalMathematical Programming, 5 (1973) 199-215
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Authors      G. Mitra
Title     EnglishInvestigations of some branch and bound strategies for the solution of mixed integer linear programs
JournalMathematical Programming, 4 (1973) 155-170
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Authors      M. Benichou, J. M. Gauthier, P. Girodet, G. Hentges, G. Ribiere, O. Vincent
Title     EnglishExperiments in mixed-integer programming
JournalMathematical Programming, 1 (1971) 76-94
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Authors      R. E. Gomory
Title     EnglishAn algorithm for integer solutions to linear programming
EditorsR. L. Graves, P. Wolfe
BooktitleRecent Advances in Mathematical Programming
PublishedMcGraw-Hill, 1963, 269-302
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Authors      R. E. Gomory
Title     EnglishAn Algorithm for the Mixed Integer Problem
NumberThe RAND Cooperation, Technical Report RM-2597, 1960
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Authors      R. E. Gomory
Title     EnglishSolving Linear Programming Problems in Integers
EditorsR. Bellman, M. Hall
BooktitleCombinatorial analysis, Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics
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Authors      R. E. Gomory
Title     EnglishOutline of an Algorithm for Integer Solutions to Linear Programs
JournalBulletin of the American Society, 64 (1958) 275-278
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